We Irish are generous in contributing to emergencies, along with aid to agencies, NGO's etc. Our Government is committing to 0.7% of GNP by 2012 as a norm for all governments in calculating Developing Aid. However, witnessing the extravagance and waste of the Celtic Tiger in recent years raises many questions. This Blog is a small attempt to raise awareness and to look towards a suffering world in great need.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sharks Face Increased Threat Due to Fin Soup
BEIJING, July 18 (Reuters) - Sharks could face extinction within a generation from overfishing for their fins, a conservation group said on Wednesday, calling on the Chinese government to lead the way in their protection. More than 90 percent of shark fin is consumed in China and demand is growing rapidly as the economy develops leading to more sharks being caught, many illegally in areas that are supposed to be protected, according to the group WildAid. Shark fin, once offered as a gift to emperors, is traditionally served in soup at Chinese wedding banquets and occasions when the host wants to impress guests with expensive dishes. Some also believe it is good for the health. "These animals have been here for 400 million years and they may disappear in one generation, not to provide people with basic food, but for a solely luxury item," executive director Peter Knights told a news conference to launch a new report. Hammerhead, Great White and Basking sharks were some of the species at risk, WildAid said in the report. The group said shark fin is becoming cheaper and eaten by a growing number of people in China -- perhaps by around 100 million people a year. "Precisely the role China plays is one of unsustainable demand. The demand for shark fin soup as it now stands, and as it's set to increase, cannot be sustained by wild shark populations," said Steve Trent, WildAid president. "This is a role where the Chinese government can show genuine global leadership and can help many other countries around the world that are extremely poor and less well resourced, to protect their shark populations."
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"As the world creeps closer to irreversible global warming and goes deeper into ecological debt, why on earth, say, would the UK export 20 tonnes of mineral water to Australia and then re-import 21 tonnes".
New Economics Foundation director Andrew Simms. Read the complete story.
"It is regrettable, despite our campaigns of awareness, despite our efforts against circumcision, the practice continues".
Aina Ouedraogo, head of Burkina Faso's national committee against female genital mutilation. Read the full story.
"Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty."Joseph Wresinski
"I learned that for them sexuality was pleasurable, whereas for me it was mostly painful".
Abi Sanon, who was circumcised as a girl, on her friends who were not subjected to the procedure. Readthe full story.
"I should have listened to my village schoolteacher who told me not to be taken in by false promises of a job abroad".
Sushma, a 16-year old Nepalese girl who declined to reveal her full identity. Read the complete story.
"Gandhi's dream of a free India will only be fully realized when we banish poverty from our midst".
Manmohan Singh, India's prime minister. Read the full story.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ".
After getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the limo, and He doesn't travel light, the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on the curb
'Excuse me, Your Holiness,' says the driver, 'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?' 'Well, to tell you the truth,' says the Pope, 'they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today.' 'I'm sorry but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job! And what if something should happen?' protests the driver, wishing he'd never gone to work that morning. 'There might be something extra in it for you,' says the Pope. Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 105 mph. 'Please slow down, Your Holiness!!!' pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens. 'Oh, dear God, I'm gonna lose my license,' moans the driver. The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio. 'I need to talk to the Chief,' he says to the dispatcher. The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going a hundred and five. 'So bust him,' says the Chief. 'I don't think we want to do that - he's really important,' said the cop. The Chief exclaimed, 'All the more reason!' 'No, I mean really important,' said the cop. The Chief then asked, 'Who have you got there, the Mayor?' Cop: 'Bigger.' Chief: 'Governor?' Cop: 'Bigger.' 'Well,' said the Chief, 'Who is it?' Cop: 'I think it's God!' Chief: 'What makes you think it's God?' Cop: 'He's got the Pope as a chauffeur!'
Pavarotti arrives at the Pearly Gates and rings the bell to be let in.
St Peter opens up and says, "Oh it's you Luciano, come on in, squeeze through".
Pavarotti says, "Hold on, I've got an envelope for you, from the Pope".
St Peter opens it up and reads it.....
Two Wolves
An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them...
“A fight is going on inside me... it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you and every other person, too.”
They thought about this for a minute, and then one child asked his grandfather... “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied... “The one you feed.”
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